Lineup 2011

Gordon Gets Lost
Hali/Fred, New Brunswick
Gordon Gets Lost is a collection of 4 musicians, who are joined on stage by visual artists The Big 3 and followed around the maritimes by a funky circus of colourful friends, fans and freaks.
Formed in the jam friendly town of St. Andrews many moons ago, GGL has been reincarnated and has reestablished its status as one of the hottest young boogie bands on the east coast. Playing long songs and even longer sets has become the trademark, leaving sweaty bodies covered in paint and begging for more.
Original Gordonites Jay Merrill (guitar, vox) Tyler McGee (drums, vox) and Mike (mumble) Humble (percussion) have been joined by newbie Mike Glaze (bass) to take on this newest chapter in the history of Gordon. Mr Glaze has the distinction of having the biggest smile in the history of rock and roll, and he’s not too shabby on the four stringer either.
Being the go-to band of FeelsGood Community, Fredericton’s Art and Music Collective, has been a great partnership for both ventures. GGL provides the funky hippie disco, FG provides the comfy backdrop, the splash of colour, and the word spreading capabilities. This partnership will only get stronger as both artistic and business endeavours grow stronger.
GGL urges you to remember; the early bird gets the worm, BUT the early worm gets eaten!