Lineup 2015
Jon Forward
Saint John, NB
Jon Forward started out in comedy doing character work as MC Crosswalk, a crossing guard turned hardcore gangster rapper. MC Crosswalk performed live several times, released an album and ultimately took his own life in 2012 after being eliminated from a karaoke contest. Concurrently, Jon was one of the founding members of the H to the C radio show which ran from 2001-2010 before turning into a podcast in 2011. Currently, he is a writer on the webseries Hoveland008, which made it to the top 55 in the 2014 CBC Comedy Coup contest. He can be seen in James Mullinger’s “Blimey! An Englishman in Atlantic Canada”.(S02E07). He is also the host of “The Jon Floorward Show” on a website called Youtube.Jon Forward has contributed articles to satirical website, The Manatee.
After a brief stint doing stand up in 2004, Jon gave up on it until 2011 (or 2012, he doesn’t remember). Following in the footsteps of MC Crosswalk, Jon spent years alienating audiences at music open mics in Saint John. Starting in late 2013, early 2014, Jon began experimenting in performing comedy for an audience that actually came to see it. Since then, he has been performing regularly. So far, Jon has been mostly performing in the Maritimes. Since June 2014, he has been hosting his own monthly show in Saint John called No Jokes Barred. Jon has also performed at the Wiggle Room in Montreal and on the Evolve Festival 2014 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
He doesn’t like to categorize himself, but for the sake of this bio, here are some words others have used to describe his act: “Storytelling”, “weird”, “dark”, “cute”, “shit-eating grin”, “confident”, “funny”, etc…