Lineup 2015

eD Nizzam
Calgary, AB
eD is Not an NBC television program, nor is he a line editor for the Unix operating system!
He is not an altar or related place in some English translations of the Bible!
He is 100% Bananas and loves throwing down house music when things are Funky, Drivin’, Bouncy, Jackin’, Boompity, Jazzy, Swingy, Chuggin’, Techy and Deep House Music… So that is how he delivers it!
Often imitated, never duplicated!
Whenever eD is behind the decks, he is sure to get your ass shaking and body dripping with sweat with his healthy choice of selections. He has been known to drop foundational classics that are picked from the vaults to the hottest choons on the charts he is truly a beat ninja with a keen ear and definitive direction for good times…
(*Insert 2 decades of intense madness involving all kinds of random acts of fun that cannot be stated for the record, and in this time has played alongside, billed with and opened up for Tommy Largo, Johnny Fiasco, Gene Farris, Wally Callerio, Ian Pooley, Forrest Avery, Chuck Daniels, JT Donaldson, Jon Delerious, Isis Graham to name a few.)
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